Somebody come and retrieve their grandpa from the Goodwill donation box!
Arizona police responded to a call from a worker at Goodwill who found what looked like a human skull in the donation box. The skull is withered and dirty with a prosthetic eye still attached to the right eye socket.
The police department sent the skull for medical examination to make sure it was not attached to any missing persons or criminal cases.
A Goodwill manager @ the Sarival & Yuma location reported finding what appeared to be a human skull in a donation box. GYPD transported it to the OME for investigation. Their initial findings confirm it is human & appears to be historic. It doesn’t appear to be linked to a crime.
— Goodyear Police Dept (@Goodyearpolice) September 6, 2023
“ is fact a human skull, but at this point, and this is preliminary, it appears to be historic, ancient and does not appear to have any forensic value at all, and what that means is that no crime is really attached to this skull,” confirmed Lisa Berry the public information officer of the Goodyear police department. They are still trying to piece together where the skull came from.
Unfortunately, human remains are commonly found at thrift stores like Goodwill. Earlier this year, a woman on TikTok found an urn with ashes at a Goodwill for only $3.99 (a steal compared to buying people on the black market).
TikToker @chasejosie was able to connect with the urn’s owner, finding out that it was their pet dog’s ashes in the process.
The lesson here is, to open every nice container you see at the thrift store before buying and make sure to pack Grandma before you move houses. Also if you work at a museum, double-check where you're sending skulls. You don’t want a historical artifact sold for $5.